
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

BRAvolution blogging, here we come!

Hi all!  My name is Laura and I hope if you have stumbled upon my humble blog it is because you are a woman (first and foremost) who is fed up with her ill fitting bras.  Or you are a woman who thinks bras are supposed to be uncomfortable (they really can be comfortable!!)

I started my BRAvolution as a Facebook Group (still running- and for women's eyes only!) last year when, yet another, specialty lingerie shop in my area did not carry my size (at the time, I thought I was a 30G).  My frustration lead me to lead a lot of conversations with my friends and co-workers about bras and how they fit, and to start my Facebook group.  Stores in the US rarely carry any band size under 32, which is unfortunate.  I realized that many women just don't know how bras should be fitting them.  I am not as thin as I used to be, and certainly not the thinnest person I know, and I was wearing a 30 band, but being told over and over again that there 'just is no demand for 30 bands.'  (Well, of course not if these stores are adding 4-6 inches to your natural ribcage measurement to get your band size)

If there were ever a less true statement...  The real issue, I've discovered, is the lack of bra fit education.  How many of you went in to the local department store, specialty store, or Victoria's Secret, and have had a "professional fitting?"  Surely, these women are trained professionals who will find me my perfect bra....right?  Sometimes, the answer is Yes!, but more often than not you leave the store depressed and feeling "freakish" for having such a hard time finding something that just semi-fits.  You put so much trust into the woman who is fitting you.  Keep in mind that a lot of these stores work their fitters off of commissions.  They need to sell you something, anything, to make extra money.  But if you are willing to educate yourself on how a bra should fit, you can be confident in what you buy. 

While I am keeping my closed BRAvolution Facebook Group as a closed group (you have to ask to join, or be added in by a friend who is already in the group- I will not add you in if I am not sure you are a real woman & not some slimy guy who is just posing to get in).  It is a closed group for those of us who want to ask questions or post photo examples or photos of issues in a safe and positive environment.  We are a friendly group who help each other out and I aim to keep that kind of atmosphere.  But I do recognize that a closed FB group limits me to how many women I can reach, which is the reason I am starting a blog. 

The United States is epically failing at bra fitting, and it is my mission to change this- one person at a time.  The more women who become educated on bra fitting, the more women who will be buying their sizes. This means stores here will have no choice but to take a look at the sizes they carry and begin to offer a better range AND better fitting advice.  Bras are actually pretty darn comfortable to wear, I promise!  I have re-fit enough women to know that although you'll be skeptical at first, wearing a band that is closer to your natural ribcage measurement is more comfortable and better for you long term.

Who will stand with me and challenge the way bras are measured for in the US?



  1. Another new blog! Great! Unity makes strength! :D
    I've just asked to join that FB group!

  2. Hey Laura - I want to join the group but don't know anybody who is already a member. I also belong to a women only long hair group so I understand the "ladies only" thinking. Lots of creepers out there ... ugh.
    What should I provide for proof. My FB pic is one I cropped from a photo of my daughter and I, and I am a retail shop keeper as well as an online seller (Sycamoreboutique on Etsy).
    Just let me know as I would love to join and get some good suggestions as to where and how to buy my next bra. I left a comment on another of your posts - am currently a 40D and it is getting tight but after reading your blog figure I need to keep the band size and move up a cup instead of increasing the band.
    De'esse The Sycamore Boutique
    (ps De'esse is French for Goddess)

    1. Hi Angela! I'm glad you found me here. Knowing that I am helping someone in a positive way is why I keep on doing what I am trying to do! You should be able to request to join at this link:!/groups/BRAvolution/

